Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ice Skating Fun!

Jason and Amara and a couple friends (Makayla and Samantha) all went to the local outdoor skating rink for some ice skating fun. While they were there, they met up with Amara's classmate, Lucie and her sister Isabelle and her friend Anastasia. Enjoy the video by clicking the play button, or click to view it on YouTube.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day 2011 - Turducken for Dinner

Christmas Day was started with everyone in their Christmas pajamas.  First came the stockings which were overflowing with gifts from "Santa."  Then we had a breakfast of homemade banana chocolate chip muffins, omelets, waffles, sausage and scrambled eggs.

Next we got the turducken ready for roasting. For anyone that hasn't heard of a turducken it is a deboned turkey, stuffed with a duck and finally a chicken.  In between each bird there's a layer of stuffing.  This was the first time we ever tried a turducken and it was a fun culinary experience.

After that we opened gifts, played some games and relaxed until dinner time.  For dinner we had turducken, haricot vert, peas, mashed potatoes with homemade gravy and cranberry sauce.  For dessert we had a pudding and berry pie topped with homemade candy cane vanilla ice cream.  (The ice cream maker was a Christmas gift from the cats.)

Click on the picture above to view our Christmas photo album.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Puzzle for 2011 is available now

Our annual Christmas puzzle is available now. It is called "Write the Right Word" since it involves homophones. As in prior years, the reward for solving is a video Christmas card, but you'll need to figure out the password by solving the puzzle.

Note: If you need some help, the full answer is posted here, but try solving it without help first... it's more fun that way.

Feel free to add a comment below to let us know that you successfully figured it out (without giving away the answer to others).